

Donkey Mountain
Donkey Mountain

Donkey Mountain

the mountain is a labyrinth of pagodas, canyons, ramps, slots and gullies

This has been on my bucket list for a while… a trip organised by some bushwalking friends was enough to get us up to the Wolgan Valley for 9AM.  They turned up late, so we left without them, steeply up the hill from the stile for 30 minutes got us to the dip that separates the lower section from the middle section. After a brief wait for them & a little explore up the nearest obvious (blind) gully, we continued North East without them.

It quickly becomes clear that the mountain is a labyrinth of pagodas, canyons, ramps, slots and gullies. We explored the middle section & then found a pagoda with extensive views over the poor people staying at the local resort.  And then heard voices - the rest of the party had started at the northern end, so we had lunch together, exchanged trip notes and went our separate ways again. The northern section included vertical canyons, tight slots and dark rooms.



This massive tree forms an umbrella over the room below  


Moss and orchids cover some of the more sheltered pagoda walls 


The largest room contains the log book 


Some of the pagodas enclose canyons 40m deep. 


As the weather started to look ominous, we returned to the cars steeply via the north west exit.

  • 22/11/2015